2023-01-10 changelog

Connector enhancements Miro Web SDK 2.0 connector now supports captions , styles for connector captions, and the snapTo property for the start and end points.

What's new

Miro Web SDK 2.0 connector supports captions

You can now add captions to connectors. Each caption object groups properties that define:

  • The text that appears along the connector.
  • The position of the caption relative to the connector.
  • The vertical alignment of the caption relative to the connector.

Miro Web SDK 2.0 connector captions support styles

You can now set the styles to customize the look and feel of connector captions. The styles include:

  • fontSize: Defines the font size, in dp, for the caption of the connector.
  • color: Hex value representing the color of the connector captions.
  • textOrientation: The orientation of the caption relative to the curvature of the connector.

Miro Web SDK 2.0 supports the snapTo property for the start and end points

You can use the snapTo property to set the connector start and end point position to specific, predefined positions. This property is optional and is nested inside the start and end objects. The snapTo property accepts the following values: "top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "auto".