These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.


create update delete
  "type": "shape",
  "x": 1368, // default: "0"
  "y": 461 // default: "0",
  // number of degrees clockwise
  "rotation": 0.0,
  "width": 328, // default: "100"
  "height": 131, // default: "100"
  "style": {
    // supports short hex code color format
    "backgroundColor": "#ffae2b", // default: "#ffffff"
    // allowed values: 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0
    "backgroundOpacity": 1.0, // default: 1.0
    "borderColor": "#1a1a1a", // default: "#1a1a1a"
    // allowed values: 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0
    "borderOpacity": 1.0, // default: 1.0
    // allowed values: "normal", "dashed", "dotted"
    "borderStyle": "normal", // default: normal
    // allowed values: 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 24.0
    "borderWidth": 4.0, // default: 2.0 
    // allowed values:
    //  "Arial", "Abril Fatface", "Bangers", "EB Garamond", "Georgia", "Graduate",
    //  "Gravitas One", "Fredoka One", "Nixie One", "OpenSans", "Permanent Marker",
    //  "PT Sans", "PT Sans Narrow", "PT Serif", "Rammetto One", "Roboto", 
    //  "Roboto Condensed", "Roboto Slab", "Caveat", "Times New Roman", "Titan One",
    //  "Lemon Tuesday", "Roboto Mono", "Noto Sans", "IBM Plex Sans", "IBM Plex Serif", 
    //  "IBM Plex Mono"
    "fontFamily": "Bangers", // default: "OpenSans"
    // allowed values between 10 to 999 inclusive
    "fontSize": 48, // default: 14
    // allowed values:
    //  "rectangle", "circle", "triangle", "rounded_rectangle", "rhombus", 
    //  "callout", "parallelogram", "star", "arrow", "arrow_left", "pentagon", 
    //  "hexagon", "octagon", "trapeze", "predefined_process",
    //  "arrow_left_right", "cloud", "brace_left", "brace_right", "cross", "barrel"
    "shapeType": "callout", // default: "rectangle"
    // allowed values: "center", "right", "left"
    "textAlign": "center", // default: center
    // allowed values: "middle", "bottom", "top"
    "textAlignVertical": "middle", // default: "middle"
    "textColor": "#1a1a1a" // default: "#1a1a1a"
  "text": "<p>Shape</p>"