2022-05-11 changelog

Miro REST API and Web SDK 2.0: ⚠ breaking changes! ⚠
New parameters and object properties.



Breaking changes

Miro REST API 2.0Miro Web SDK 2.0
parentId parameter for items updated to parent object.App card status property
New property of app card board items.
Embed item data.thumbnailUrl parameter renamed to data.previewUrl.Sticky note shape property
New property of sticky note board items.

What has changed

The Miro Developer Platform 2.0 is officially available as a public GA release!

We introduced a number of changes to improve support for board items, and to make overall functionality more consistent across REST API and Web SDK.

Miro REST API 2.0

For items that are marked as a breaking change, make sure that you update your code accordingly, where necessary, so that your apps can keep working as expected.

parentId parameter for items updated to parent object

⚠ This is a breaking change ⚠

When we had the parentId parameter, we noticed that many developers would unintentionally send null and mistakingly attached an item to the canvas. To resolve this problem, we updated the parentId parameter for items to use the parent object, which contains the id parameter.

Embed item data.thumbnailUrl parameter renamed to data.previewUrl

⚠ This is a breaking change ⚠

As we display high resolution images and not a smaller size version of the images, we've renamed the Embed item data.thumbnailUrl parameter to data.previewUrl to align with the actual functionality.

⚠ This is a breaking change ⚠

When we had the parentId parameter, we noticed that many developers would unintentionally send null and mistakingly attached an item to the canvas. To resolve this problem, we updated the parentId parameter for items to use the parent object, which contains the id parameter.

Addition of square and rectangle as shape options for sticky notes

We've added the data.shape parameter for sticky note items. You can now select to create a square sticky note or a rectangular sticky note. By default, the data.shape parameter is set to square.

Addition of the links object for boards, board members, and items

To improve the usability of the data object and to allow you to easily loop changes, we've added the links object for boards, board members, and board items. The links object contains pagination links for the collection, such as the link to the item, board, or board member itself, and the link to retrieve information in the current page, first page, previous page, next page, or last page of a collection.

Enhanced format for tokens

We've changed the format for new tokens. For example, an access token now has the following format:
Read more about authorization and tokens on Authorization overview.

Increased rate limiting

To cover more developer use cases, we’ve increased the limit to 100,000 credits for API calls per minute (earlier limit was 10,000 credits) For more information, see Rate limiting.

Miro Web SDK 2.0

For items that are marked as a breaking change, make sure that you update your code accordingly, where necessary, so that your apps can keep working as expected.

App card status property

⚠ This is a breaking change for app cards ⚠

The new status property of app cards adds functionality to apps that use app cards to integrate with an external application.

Apps can set the status of an app card to notify users about the current availability of the app card and the integration with the app card data source in the external application.

To keep existing app card integrations connected with their corresponding data sources in an external application, set status to connected:

const appCard = await miro.board.createAppCard({
  title: 'This app card has status',
    'The app card status icon is displayed in the top-right corner of the detail view.',
  status: connected, // The app card is synced with and receives updates from its data source

Sticky note shape property

⚠ This is a breaking change for app cards ⚠

When creating a sticky note, it's now possible to programmatically define its shape: either square, or rectangular.
A rectangular sticky note is wider than a square one, and it can accommodate more content.

origin property for all supported items

The origin property isn't a breaking change. It allows for finer granularity when positioning items on the board.

All supported board items are assigned origin as a new property upon creation to mark:

  • The positioning reference point of a board item.
  • The rotation pivot point of a board item that supports rotation.

Child items inside unsupported parents

Experimental feature Experimental

Now the Web SDK can also return child items inside unsupported parent items.
However, since the parent is unsupported, the Web SDK has limited access to the children. Therefore, it's not possible to:

  • Get the actual position of the child items. Their returned x and y coordinates have the -Infinity value, and they are read-only.
  • Update their x or y coordinates to change their position on the board.
  • Update their width or height to resize them.
  • Remove child items from the board.