2022-12-05 changelog

New feature Webhooks API now available in beta

2022-12-01 changelog

Bug fix Miro Web SDK 2.0: fixed app metadata bug

2022-11-17 changelog

New feature Miro Web SDK 2.0 supports board notifications

2022-11-08 changelog

New feature Miro Live Embed supports oEmbed

2022-11-07 changelog

New feature The Miro Web SDK 2.0 supports connectors

2022-10-14 changelog

Miro REST API 2.0: connectors available as a standard feature, no longer experimental.

2022-09-09 changelog

New feature Miro REST API: Document, image, and embed items: We’ve added a new parameter that contains the URL to download the resource.

2022-08-09 changelog

Miro Web SDK 2.0 ⚠ breaking change! ⚠
Fixed a bug affecting the frame.add method.