JUMP TOAuthorizationIntroductionPermission scopesRate limitingGetting Started with OAuth 2.0 and MiroAuthorization flow for expiring tokensStep 1: Create authorization request linkStep 2: Request user for authorizationStep 3: Exchange authorization code with access tokenpostStep 4: Use access token for REST API requestsStep 5: Get new access token using refresh tokenAuthorization flow for non-expiring access tokensStep 1: Create authorization request linkStep 2: Request the user for authorizationStep 3: Exchange authorization code with access tokenpostStep 4: Use access token for REST API requestsAccess tokensRevoke token (v2)postGet access token contextgetRevoke tokenpostBOARDSCreate boardpostGet boardsgetCopy boardputGet specific boardgetUpdate boardpatchDelete boarddeleteBOARD MEMBERSShare boardpostGet all board membersgetGet specific board membergetUpdate board memberpatchRemove board memberdeleteITEMSGet items on boardgetGet specific item on boardgetUpdate item position or parentpatchDelete itemdeleteAPP CARD ITEMSCreate app card itempostGet app card itemgetUpdate app card itempatchDelete app card itemdeleteCARD ITEMSCreate card itempostGet card itemgetUpdate card itempatchDelete card itemdeleteCONNECTORSCreate connectorpostGet connectorsgetGet specific connectorgetUpdate connectorpatchDelete connectordeleteDOCUMENT ITEMSCreate document item using URLpostCreate document item using file from devicepostGet document itemgetUpdate document item using file from devicepatchUpdate document item using URLpatchDelete document itemdeleteEMBED ITEMSCreate embed itempostGet embed itemgetUpdate embed itempatchDelete embed itemdeleteFRAME ITEMSCreate framepostGet items within framegetGet framegetUpdate framepatchDelete framedeleteIMAGE ITEMSCreate image item using URLpostCreate image item using file from devicepostGet image itemgetUpdate image item using file from devicepatchUpdate image item using URLpatchDelete image itemdeleteSHAPE ITEMSCreate shape itempostGet shape itemgetUpdate shape itempatchDelete shape itemdeleteSTICKY NOTE ITEMSCreate sticky note itempostGet sticky note itemgetUpdate sticky note itempatchDelete sticky note itemdeleteTEXT ITEMSCreate text itempostGet text itemgetUpdate text itempatchDelete text itemdeleteGroupsCreate grouppostGet all groups on a boardgetGet items of a group by IDgetGet a group by its IDgetUngroup itemsdeleteUpdates a group with new itemsputDeletes the groupdeleteCreate items in bulkCreate items in bulk using file from devicepostJSON file exampleCreate items in bulkpostTAGSGet items by taggetAttach tag to itempostRemove tag from itemdeleteGet tags from itemgetCreate tagpostGet tags from boardgetGet taggetUpdate tagpatchDelete tagdeleteMiro oEmbed APIGet oEmbed datagetPlatform Experimental FeaturesApp metrics (experimental)Get app metricsgetGet total app metricsgetWebhooks (experimental)Create webhook subscriptionpostUpdate webhook subscriptionpatchGet webhook subscriptionsgetGet specific webhook subscriptiongetDelete webhook subscriptiondeleteMind map nodes (experimental)Get specific mind map nodegetDelete mind map nodedeleteGet mind map nodesgetCreate mind map nodepostFlowchart shapes (experimental)Get items on boardgetGet specific item on boardgetCreate shape itempostGet shape itemgetUpdate shape itempatchDelete shape itemdeleteProjects (Enterprise Plan)ProjectsCreate projectpostList of projectsgetGet projectgetUpdate projectpatchDelete projectdeleteProject SettingsGet project settingsgetUpdate project settingspatchProject MembersAdd member in a projectpostList of project membersgetGet project membergetUpdate project memberpatchRemove project memberdeleteOrganizations (Enterprise Plan)OrganizationsGet organization infogetOrganization MembersGet organization membersgetGet organization membergetTeams (Enterprise Plan)TeamsCreate teampostList teamsgetGet teamgetUpdate teampatchDelete teamdeleteTeam SettingsGet default team settingsgetGet team settingsgetUpdate team settingspatchTeam MembersInvite team memberspostList team membersgetGet team membergetUpdate team memberpatchDelete team member from teamdeleteEnterprise User Session Reset (Enterprise Plan)Reset all sessions of a userReset all sessions of a userpostBoard Classification (Enterprise Plan)Board classification: Organization levelGet organization settingsgetBoard classification: Team levelBulk update boards classificationpatchGet team settingsgetUpdate team settingspatchBoard classification: Board levelGet board classificationgetUpdate board classificationpostAudit Logs (Enterprise Plan)Audit LogsGet audit logsgeteDiscovery (Enterprise Guard)Board ExportCreate board export jobpostGet board export job statusgetGet results for board export jobgetBoard Content LogsRetrieve content change logs of board itemsgetLegal holdsGet all casesgetGet casegetGet all legal holds within a casegetGet legal hold informationgetGet content items under legal holdgetGet sticky note itemget https://api.miro.com/v2/boards/{board_id}/sticky_notes/{item_id}Retrieves information for a specific sticky note item on a board.Required scope boards:read Rate limiting Level 1