
Structure of the position object and its properties.

The position object contains location information about the item, such as the x and y coordinates.

Property nameProperty typeDescription
xNumberX-axis coordinate of the location of the item on the board.
By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport.
The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.
Default: 0
yNumberY-axis coordinate of the center of the item on the board.
By default, all items have absolute positioning to the board, not the current viewport.
The center point of the board has x: 0 and y: 0 coordinates.
Default: 0
originStringPoint of the item that is referenced by its x and y coordinates.
For example, if an item has a center origin, the corresponding x and y coordinates point to the center of the item.
Currently, we support only center.
"position": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "origin": "center"