Delete the Developer team
If you decide to delete the Developer team associated with your user account name, keep in mind that the operation is irreversible.
This procedure applies also to deleting any other Miro team.
You can delete the Developer team associated with your Miro user account. It's not possible to undo this action.
- Deleting a Developer team also deletes all boards associated with the team.
- It requires deleting any existing apps that were previously created in the team you're about to delete.
To delete your Developer team:
- In the top-right corner of the screen, click your user account avatar, and then select Settings.
- In your Profile settings, make sure in the top-left corner of the screen Dev team is the currently selected team.
- Under Team profile on the left side navigation, click Delete team.
- Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
Updated about 1 year ago
What's next
You can create a new Developer team for your Miro user account anytime: