Get user info and email

Use the Miro Enterprise REST API to retrieve a list of team members with their email information.


Enterprise Plan

This recipe applies only to users on an Enterprise plan who have access to the Enterprise REST API endpoints.


Send a request to the Enterprise REST API to retrieve user information by specifying their team member ID.

Sending a request to the REST API endpoint to retrieve members of a specific team returns member IDs, but not their email addresses.


To retrieve user information about a specific team member at a time:

  1. Send a request to <{org_id}> to retrieve members of a specific team, and to get their member IDs.
  2. Send another request to <{org_id}/members/{member_id}>, and pass the {member_id} you previously fetched to obtain information about the specified team member, such as:
    • Email address
    • Role
    • Product license associated with them
    • Most recent activity.

To retrieve user information about multiple team members at once:

  • Send a request to <{org_id}/members> to retrieve members of an organization.
    You can specify filters such as a specific role, or limit the maximum amount of matches to return with the response.


  • To retrieve team member ID, you need to have at least the organization ID ({org_id}).
  • To retrieve team member details such as their email address, you need to have at least their member ID ({member_id}).

See also

What's next

To discover and to get acquainted with more Web SDK features, check the other tutorials.