Developer team
Create a Developer team where you can safely test apps in isolation, as you develop them.
Before building your first Miro app, ensure you create a Developer team and assign your Miro user profile to it.
The Developer team is a specialized sandbox environment:
- It’s isolated from the production environment, allowing you to develop, test, and debug apps without impacting production boards, data, or live users.
- You can experiment freely without risk—what happens in the Developer team stays there.
However, this isolation comes with a few limitations:
A Developer team is limited to 3 boards and 5 collaborators.
You can test your app with 3 to 5 users.
Boards created within a Developer team display a large "Developer team" watermark as a reminder you're in a sandboxed environment, not production.
Figure 1. The Developer team watermark serves as a visual reminder that you're not in a production environment.
After testing and debugging, install the app in a team with more users to confirm it works as expected.
The Developer team is not meant for production use. Treat it solely as a sandbox for development and testing—avoid using it for any other work or remote collaboration.
Enterprise Developer Teams
If you're an enterprise developer working within an organization, see Enterprise Developer Teams to learn about how admins can enable a developer team within an organization.
Updated about 2 months ago