Developer team

Create a Developer team where you can safely test apps in isolation, as you develop them.

Before building your first Miro app, ensure you create a Developer team and assign your Miro user profile to it.

The Developer team is a specialized sandbox environment:

  • It’s isolated from the production environment, allowing you to develop, test, and debug apps without impacting production boards, data, or live users.
  • You can experiment freely without risk—what happens in the Developer team stays there.

However, this isolation comes with a few limitations:

  • A Developer team is limited to 3 boards and 5 collaborators.

  • You can test your app with 3 to 5 users.

  • Boards created within a Developer team display a large "Developer team" watermark as a reminder you're in a sandboxed environment, not production.

    Developer Team Watermark

    Figure 1. The Developer team watermark serves as a visual reminder that you're not in a production environment.

  • After testing and debugging, install the app in a team with more users to confirm it works as expected.



The Developer team is not meant for production use. Treat it solely as a sandbox for development and testing—avoid using it for any other work or remote collaboration.

What's next

Create your Developer team to start building apps.