The Developer team

Before you start building Miro apps, create a Developer team. It’s a sandbox where you can safely test apps in isolation, as you develop them.

The Miro Developer team


The Developer team isn't a production environment.

Use the Developer team only as a sandboxed environment for development purposes.
Don't use it to carry out any other type of work or remote collaboration.

Before building your first Miro app, make sure you create a Developer team, and assign your Miro user profile to it.

The Developer team is a special type of team:

  • It's isolated from the production environment.
  • It provides a sandbox environment, where you can develop, test, and debug apps without affecting production boards, data, and live users.
  • It's a place where you can make and break things without risking much. What happens in the Developer team, stays in the Developer team.

Since it's separated from production, the Developer team has a few limitations:

  • A Developer team can have up to 3 boards and up to 5 collaborators.
  • You can use it to test your app with 3 to 5 users.
  • The background of a board created with a Developer team user features a large "Developer team" watermark. This is intentional, and it's not possible to remove it. It's a reminder that you're not in a production environment.

    Figure 1. The Developer team watermark reminds you that the board is isolated from the production environment.
  • When you're done testing and debugging, install the app to a team that supports more users to check that everything works as expected.

What's next

Create your Developer team to start building apps.