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Create a Developer team in Miro

The Developer team is a special type of team that allows you to create and test apps without affecting your production boards, just like a sandbox with some limitations. Ensure that you use the Developer team only for development purposes, and not to complete any other type of work or remote collaboration.

  1. Create a Developer team in Miro.
  2. If you previously created the Developer team, the Your apps page appears instead of the Welcome to Miro Developer team box. Skip the steps in this procedure and proceed to Create your app in Miro.
    If you do not have the Developer team, clicking the link in step 1 creates a Developer team for you. Once the Developer team is successfully created, the Welcome to Miro Developer team box appears.

    Figure 1: Welcome to Miro Developer team box
  3. Click Build app, and then proceed to create your app in Miro.



A Developer team can have up to 3 boards and up to 5 collaborators. We recommend that you start testing your app on the Dev team, and if you need to test on more users, you can then proceed with installing your app on a team that supports your requirements. Consider a scenario where you want to create an app that eventually supports more than 50 users. As a start, you can create the app in the Dev team, test it with 3 to 5 users, and once all is well, install the app on a team that supports more than 50 users to see that everything is working as expected.