These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

How do I position a widget?

You position a widget by modifying the x and y properties of the widget, which are the coordinates of the center of the widget.

Is it possible to display buttons in the BottomBar only for certain users?

You can configure buttons to be displayed only to selected users, including:

  • authorized users
  • editors
  • team members
  • logged in users

A code sample illustrating this is available at:

How can I give a button a custom icon?

Button icons are defined in SVG format as shown below. To support the blue hover effect, use fill="currentColor".


const icon24 =
  '<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M20.156 7.762c-1.351-3.746-4.672-5.297-8.838-4.61-3.9.642-7.284 3.15-7.9 5.736-1.14 4.784-.015 7.031 2.627 1.28.412 2.002.518.277.041.549.072.844. 1.609.263 2.664 1.334 3.146 2.715 7.24-2.435 9.4-6.453 7.17-12.634zm-18.684.662C3.18 1.256 18.297-3.284 22.038 7.084c2.806 7.78-.526 13.011-9.998 15.695-.266.076-.78.173-.759-.287.062-1.296-.47-2.626-1.762-2.837-1.009-.165-10.75.124-8.047-11.23zm9.427 4.113a6.853 6.853 0 0 0 1.787.172c.223.348.442.733.79 1.366.53.967.793 1.412 1.206 2a1 1 0 1 0 1.636-1.15c-.358-.51-.593-.908-1.09-1.812-.197-.36-.358-.649-.503-.899 1.16-.573 1.916-1.605 2.005-2.909.189-2.748-2.65-4.308-6.611-3.267-.443.117-.834.44-.886 1.408-.065 1.192-.12 2.028-.25 3.825-.129 1.808-.185 2.653-.25 3.86a1 1 0 0 0 1.997.108c.05-.913.093-1.617.17-2.702zm.144-2.026c.077-1.106.124-1.82.171-2.675 2.398-.483 3.595.257 3.521 1.332-.08 1.174-1.506 1.965-3.692 1.343z"/>'

const icon48 =
  '<path fill="#5B00FF" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M2.5 16.5C6 1.5 37-8 44.67 13.694c5.8 16.41-1.206 27.407-20.97 32.978-.724.205-1.109-.103-1.083-.84.094-2.679-1-5.396-3.617-5.832-2.068-.345-22.044.26-16.5-23.5zm19.414 8.286c1.03.23 2.016.316 2.936.274.357.53.704 1.111 1.26 2.079.834 1.45 1.247 2.119 1.897 3a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 2.415-1.779c-.563-.764-.931-1.36-1.711-2.717-.301-.523-.547-.944-.77-1.311 1.813-.855 2.994-2.403 3.135-4.37.298-4.143-4.115-6.457-10.284-4.909-.665.168-1.262.477-1.355 2.112a282.42 282.42 0 0 1-.391 5.737c-.203 2.711-.292 3.98-.395 5.79a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 2.995.17c.079-1.375.148-2.434.268-4.076zm.226-3.033c.12-1.646.193-2.714.267-3.988 3.85-.75 5.792.382 5.677 1.982-.127 1.758-2.432 2.97-5.944 2.006z"/>'

function run() {
    extensionPoints: {
      toolbar: {
        title: 'Template builder',
        toolbarSvgIcon: icon24,
        librarySvgIcon: icon48,
        onClick: () => {
          miro.board.ui.openLibrary('library.html', {title: 'Template builder'})

How do I make content added to a sidebar scrollable?

This can be done using the CSS overflow property, as shown below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        html, body {
            height: 100%;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;

        .scrollable-container {
            height: 100%;
            overflow-y: auto;

        .scrollable-content {
            height: 2000px;
            background-color: #2a79ff;
<div class="scrollable-container">
    <div class="scrollable-content"></div>

How do I position content in the center of the user's current view?

You can obtain the location and dimensions of the user's current view using miro.board.viewport.get() and position widgets accordingly. Remember that the positioning of widgets is based on their center point, so you will need to calculate the center of the current viewport as shown below.

const viewport = await miro.board.viewport.get()
const centeredX = viewport.x + viewport.width / 2
const centeredY = viewport.y + viewport.height / 2
miro.board.widgets.create({type:'sticker', x:centeredX, y:centeredY})