These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

To provide the best experience, we improve the Miro platform almost every week by releasing new features, squashing bugs, and delivering improved documentation. If you’re curious about what’s new and what’s changed in the Miro Platform, you’re in the right place. Here's an account of what's new and what we've gradually rolled out:



  • We’ve announced the deprecation of the getToken method and introduced the getIdToken method in March 2021. The getToken method stands decommissioned as of September 29, 2021.

  • We’ve announced the deprecation of the miro.authorize method and introduced the miro.requestAuthorization method in March 2021. The miro.authorize method stands decommissioned as of September 29, 2021.

App analytics

We’ve made the following enhancements to our monthly app statistics mailer:

  • We've added monthly app stats. What’s more, if you want to evaluate what’s been happening in the past 3 months or look at historical app stats, you can easily view the numbers by simply scrolling down.
  • We've simplified the language to make our content more user-friendly. It’s all about numbers and graphs—everybody loves graphs!
  • We’ve enhanced the structure of the content in the email to make it more consistent with our different mailers.


  • We’ve enhanced the REST API Authorization topic to include step-by-step instructions, with detailed field descriptions and examples.



  • Expire user authorization token: Using an expiring access token and refresh token enhances your application's security. An access token expires in 1 hour and a refresh token expires in 60 days. When a new access token is requested, you also get a new refresh token.


  • We’ve updated the Design guidelines section. To provide a better user experience for your users, it’s a good idea to use consistent UI and app components with the rest of the Miro product UI. While we are working on an official set of reusable components, we recommend using Mirotone CSS components—a base library that enables everyone to design and build their Miro apps.
  • We’ve completely overhauled our Web SDK Getting Started Guide. Join us as we take you through the steps to build your first “Hello, World” Miro app.

App analytics

  • If you have an app in the marketplace, you can now look at your app metrics via your monthly Miro Marketplace app report. This report will be in your inbox on the first Wednesday of every month. Knowing your app metrics enables you to understand the health and performance of your application, allowing you to make informed, data-driven decisions.


  • boardsPicker Component Web SDK: method response now returns a new URL format within the access-link field. The new URL format is{board_id}?boardAccessToken={token}&autoplay=true.
    The new URL is now based on the direct-link live embed URL and you can use the URL parameters per your requirement. For more information, see boardsPicker Component.

  • User interface: We've enhanced the user interface and content of the App settings page for a better developer experience when creating, submitting, and maintaining your apps.

# April
  • REST API and Web SDK: To make it easier to align text of different sizes, we’ve updated the default value for the padding style property of the Text widget to 0. For more information on the SDK, see interface-itextwidget. For more information on the REST API, see Text.

  • REST API and Web SDK: We’ve deprecated the following Text widget style properties: borderColor, borderWidth, borderStyle, borderOpacity, and padding. For more information on the SDK, see interface-itextwidget. For more information on the REST API, see Text.


  • Web SDK: We’ve deprecated the getToken method and introduced the getIdToken method.

  • Web SDK: We’ve deprecated the miro.authorize method and introduced the miro.requestAuthorization method.