
Embed a Miro board inside an iframe with a direct link.

Use a live embed direct link

A quick way to embed a Miro board into another product is by specifying a live embed direct link to the board.
The direct link has the following format:


The only variable in the URL is {board_id}.
Replace the placeholder with the actual unique ID of the board to embed.

Example of a Miro board embedded inside an iframe through a direct link:

The corresponding raw source with the HTML markup to embed the board:

<iframe width="768" height="432" src="https://miro.com/app/live-embed/o9J_kkQxX78=/?moveToViewport=-23165,-5837,13803,7546" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" allowFullScreen></iframe>

To view the embedded board, users need to have access to it.

Get the board ID

In the board URL, board_id is the URL element that follows the /app/board/ subdirectory.
For example, in the board URL <https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l9_I58Q=/>, the board_idis o9J_l9_I58Q=.

You can also obtain the board ID programmatically with the Miro REST API and the BoardsPicker visual component.

See also